• bbs(..., center = "spectralDecomp") computes the spectral decomposition of the penalty matrix and the penalized part of the design matrix is defined by this decomposition. Experiments show that bols(x) + bbs(x, center = "spectralDecomp") is a little better in recovering the true underlying functions than the default bols(x) + bbs(x, center = TRUE) or, equivalently, bols(x) + bbs(x, center = "differenceMatrix"). For bbs(x, y, center = TRUE) or bmrf(x, center = TRUE), the spectral decomposition is (and was) always used.
  • fixed bug in stabsel: '...' was not passed to cvrisk and thus one could not specify options for mclapply
  • fixed bug in brandom: now really use contrasts.arg = "contr.dummy" per default.
  • removed tests/ folder and .Rout.save files for vignettes from the CRAN release
  • small improvements in manual