- added base-learners for smooth monotonic (or convex/concave)
functions of one or two variables (bmono())
- added base-learners for radial basis functions (brad())
- added base-learners for Markov random fields (bmrf())
- bbs(x, cyclic = TRUE) for cyclic covariates ensures that
predictions at the boundaries coincide and that the resulting
function estimate is smoothly joined
- bols(x, intercept = FALSE) only reasonable if x is centered. A
warning is now issued if x is not centered.
- changed default for degrees of freedom in bspatial() to df = 6
- added checks in bbs (and brandom) to ensure that the specified
degrees of freedom are greater than the range of the
(unpenalized) null space
- bolscw can be mixed with other base-learners (although not yet
exported and not via the formula interface)
- new experimental base-learner %O% for smoothing matrix-values
- add Binomial(link = "probit") and general cdf's as link
functions (experimental)
- added new families:
• AUC() for AUC loss function
• GammaReg() for gamma regression models
- added extract() methods for base-learners and fitted models
- added residuals() function to extract residuals from the model
- improved predict.mboost(): added names where missing and the
offset as attribute where applicable.
- fixed bug in predict() with glmboost.matrix(..., center = TRUE)
- coef now also works with tree base-learners (returns NULL in
this case)
- changed coef.gamboost to coef.mboost
- various improvements in plot.mboost function
- changed default in glmboost() to center = TRUE
- speed up glmboost() a little bit
- changed behavior of cvrisk() if weights are used:
out-of-bag-risk now weighted according to "weights" as
specified in call to mboost
- added warning if df2lambda is likely to become numerically
unstable (i.e. in the case of large entries in the design
- improved storage, speed and stability using Matrix technology
for bols() for factors with many levels and brandom(); further
improvements in base-learners that are combined via %+%.
- various improvements and fixes in manuals